Thursday, April 21, 2011

Meeting my new cousin Walker!

On April 16th I met my new cousin Walker Elwood Cole.
He was born on April 8th and he's the new kid on the block now.

My cousin Madalyn and I were looking at Walker.
Great-Grandma Mary is holding him.

OK enough looking at him let's play with his toys.
My cousin Mason is a BIG brother now.
Some day I might be a big brother too!

Hey no fair, Aunt Marie's holding him now!
Great Grandma Mary has me.

Not sure about how I feel about this... Mommy's holding him.
Grandma Carm & Grandpa Randy's 3 grandsons together at last!
Uncle Ben, Aunt Denine, Mason & Walker makes 4.
I'm not the baby anymore!

1 comment:

CCL Wendy said...

Jonas is looking at Walker the same way he looks at kitties! LOL!
I'm sure Walker will become much more interesting -- just give him time.

What a bunch of good-looking little ones! Of course, it's in their genes, on both sides.

Ben and Denine look absolutely thrilled -- what a beautiful family portrait. And congratulations once again on the birth of Walker. As grandparents you hit the jackpot again!
