Thursday, December 10, 2009

Snowy trip to the pediatrician!

I went to the pediatrician's office today!
I gained 11 oz. from last week!
I am now 9 lbs. and 4 oz.

After a snowy ride home Mom,
Grandma Carm & Grandpa Randy
had Mighty Taco for lunch...

Time for me to put my feet up and relax!

Hanging out with my good friend

Then I had a fascinating conversation with
Grandpa Randy...

Before you know it...
I'm hungry for another bottle!
Hey mom another bottle please...

1 comment:

CCL Wendy said...

Simply adorable! Love the monkey slipper feet on those jammies! He's got lots of monkey stuff, doesn't he?

That's great -- he's gaining well! Nice big, healthy boy.

Grandpa Randy seems entranced, as well he should be.
