Sunday, February 26, 2012

Great-Grandma Mary & Grandpa Randy's Birthday Party

My Great- Grandma Mary turned 87 and my Grandpa Randy 
turned 66.  I was the entertainment at their birthday party.

I was running around without my pants on in just my Thomas
the Tank Engine underpants.  Here's my friend Emily the cat.

Me and my main man Grandpa Randy being cute.

Aunt Me made me a Jonas friendly cake for dessert. 
(no eggs, no nuts)  
Uncle Bill was the chef for the pork roast dinner. YUM!

I helped blow out the candles 3 times. 

Mommy and I had a play-doh tea party. 
I was teasing mommy about our baby being a boy.
We don't know what s/he is.  It will be a surprise.
If I have a brother his name will be Dominic Thomas.
If I have a sister her name will be Kayleigh Isabella.

Here I am all smiles!  

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Rock-A-Bye Baby!

Valentine's Day- Last Year-2011 & This Year-2012

Jonas-2011 Valentine's Day

Jonas this year- 2012- 2 years old!



Jonas and all his goodies!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Mom & Dad's 3rd Anniversary!

We visited Grandpa Randy & Grandma Carm's house
to celebrate my mommy & daddy's anniversary #3!
It's on Monday 2/6/12.

I played with Furby.

I played with the white tiger and watched Mr. Popper's Peguins.

I played with Robbie the Robot!
