Monday, January 16, 2012

Cousin Mason's 5th Birthday Party

My cousin Mason is 5 years old today!
We had his birthday party yesterday.

Mason, Walker and I played together and had so much fun!

I was playing with the cash register and 
Mason was playing with the cars. 

That will be $800 for your car repairs.

Grandma LOVES the pictures of the 3 of us together.

When Mason was finished opening gifts...
he got into the birthday bag!

I had a turn in the bag too!

My mommy held me and Walker.
Mason stood in front of Mommy and our baby-
who is still inside of Mommy's belly.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

New Years 2012- Visit with Jonas!

We finally got together with everyone feeling well today.

Grandma Carm and Grandpa Randy gave Jonas the rest of his
Xmas gifts and then we had a yummy lunch together. 

This is the Legos- Pet Shoppe- very cute!

Kitty & Doggy! : ) 

Jonas was having a grand time running back and forth!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Thank You from Jonas!

I just found this in my Gmail!  
We will finally be celebrating the holidays tomorrow 1/8.
Jonas had been sick and couldn't visit : ( 
